Club House Caddy Home
Club House Caddy Home
Team - Stroke PlayLogin
League Format
14 Teams 6 Subs
2 Points Individual Matches
2 Points Overall Matches
Scoring Format
Stroke Play
15 Weeks
Mondays - 4:30 to 6:00pm
Starting 5/5/2008
6 Rounds used to calculate handicap
80% of strokes over par
Drop 1 High and 1 Low round
Round decimals when calculation handicap
0 minimum and 18 maximum hanciap allowed
Individual - Stableford PlayLogin
League Format
20 Players
2 Substitutes
Scoring Format
Stableford Scoring
12 Weeks
Fridayss - 4:00 to 6:00pm
Starting 5/2/2008
6 Rounds used to calculate handicap
80% of strokes over par
Drop 1 High and 1 Low round
Round decimals when calculation handicap
0 minimum and 18 maximum hanciap allowed
Team - Match PlayLogin
League Format
14 Teams
2 Points Individual Matches
2 Points Overall Matches
Scoring Format
Match Play
1 Point per hole
Aggregate Total for Match Scoring
12 Weeks
Mondays - 5:00 to 7:00pm
Starting 5/2/2008
6 Rounds used to calculate handicap
80% of strokes over par
Drop 1 High and 1 Low round
Round decimals when calculation handicap
0 minimum and 18 maximum hanciap allowed
Team Stableford PlayLogin
League Format
24 Teams
2 Points Individual Matches
2 Points Overall Matches
Scoring Format
Stableford Play
Hole in One : 10
Double Eagle : 8
Eagle : 5
Birdie : 3
Par : 1
Bogie : 0
Double Bogie : -1
Triple Bogie or higher : -2
20 Weeks
Thursdays - 5:00 to 7:00pm
Starting 4/24/2008
6 Rounds used to calculate handicap
80% of strokes over par
Drop 1 High and 1 Low round
Round decimals when calculation handicap
0 minimum and 18 maximum hanciap allowed